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Undergraduate program

Undergraduate programtable for Undergraduate program
School of Natural Resources and Environmental Science
  • Department of Environmental Science
Tel : +82 33-250-8570 Office : Room 307, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Bd. 2
E-mail : Homepage Link

Modern technologies enabled humans to facilitate rapid economic and social growth; however, they also significantly destroyed the nature at a rapid rate.
Environmental science provides required information to solve such environmental problems on a sound scientific basis. In recent years, environmental industry has been rapidly developed with the new paradigm of green growth (such as low carbon system, environmental consulting, meteorology industry, and environment restoration). Sustainable development has emerged, which aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment.
The Department of Environmental Science at Kangwon National University was established to meet such demands of the times and educate students on the basis of natural sciences. Students learn various courses on air, water, and soil pollutions, climate change, ecosystems, and other global environmental issues to prepare for working on those emerging areas.

Scholarship & Program
1. Scholarship
  • Application Fee support, Improvement in Grades, Outstanding Graduation Paper Presentation
2. Program
  • Festival ‘Environmental Day’, A tour of the institution, A special lecture by an expert


 Facultytable for Faculty
Name / position Major Research Field Tel E-mail
Kim, Hekap / Prof. Environmental Exposure Assessment Environmental Risk Analysis 8577
Kang, Sinkyu / Prof. Terrestrial Ecology, Environmental Remote Sensing Remote Sensing of Environment 8578
Han, Youngji / Prof. Environmental Engineering Atmospheric Science & Technology 8579
Kwak, Kyung-Hwan / Assoc. Prof. Atmospheric Science, Micrometeorology Air Quality Prediction 8575
Hong, Eunmi / Assoc. Prof. Regional System Engineering Hydroecology and Environmental Management 8571
Choo, Gyojin / Assist. Prof. Environmental engineering Environmental Health & Chemistry 8573
Moon, Minkyu / Assist. Prof. Earth and Environment Global Ecology 8576


Subjecttable for Subject
Category Year/Semester Code Title Credits
Elective course 1/1 4181991 Career Planning 1-1-0-0
Required course 1/2 4181013 Introduction to Natural Resources and Environmental Science 1-1-0-0
Required course 2/1 4181002 Organic Chemistry 3-3-0-0
Required course 2/1 4181014 Analytical Chemistry 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/1 4181015 Environmental Microbiology 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4181016 Soil Environment 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4181017 Career Choice and Startup 1-1-0-0
Elective course 2/1 4447008 Environmental Physics 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/1 4447084 Introduction to Atmospheric Environment 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/1 4447161 Introduction to Environmental Data and Laboratory 3-2-2-0
Elective course 2/2 4447074 Ecology 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/2 4447086 Introduction to Water Environment 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/2 4447125 Meteorology and Laboratory 3-2-2-0
Elective course 2/2 4447143 Environmental Geographic Information System and Laboratory 3-2-2-0
Elective course 2/2 4447154 Career Planning and Development 1-1-0-0
Required course 2/2 4447155 Air Analysis Laboratory 2-0-4-0
Elective course 2/2 4447156 Atmospheric analysis and application 2-2-0-0
Required course 3/1 4447019 Field Survey 1-0-2-0
Elective course 3/1 4447085 Air Pollution Management and Laboratory 3-2-2-0
Elective course 3/1 4447132 Environmental Remote Sensing 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/1 4447141 Water Analysis 2-2-0-0
Required course 3/1 4447145 Eco Capstone Design 1 1-0-2-0
Required course 3/1 4447157 Water Analysis Laboratory 2-0-4-0
Elective course 3/1 4447158 Environmental hydrology and hydraulics 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/1 4447159 Environmental Chemistry 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4447040 Instrumental Techniques for Environmental Analysis 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4447099 Environmental Statistics 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4447106 Freshwater Ecology 3-3-0-0
Required course 3/2 4447147 Eco Capstone Design 2 1-0-2-0
Elective course 3/2 4447148 Air Pollution Control 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4447149 Applied Environmental Science 1 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/1 4447127 Environmental Toxicology 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/1 4447130 Mass Transfer in Multimedia 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/1 4447133 Special Topics on Environmental Science 1 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/1 4447150 Applied Environmental Science 2 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/1 4447162 Environmental Modeling and Practice 3-2-2-0
Elective course 4/2 4447032 Environmental Impact Assessment 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/2 4447069 Society and Environmental Science 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/2 4447134 Special Topics on Environmental Science 2 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/2 4447160 Environmental Big-Data Analysis and Laboratory 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/2 4447153 Internship Program 3-0-40