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Undergraduate program

Undergraduate programtable for Undergraduate program
Division of Horiculture, Agricultural and Resource Economics
  • Department of Horticulture
Tel : +82 33-250-6420 Office : Room 303, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Bd. 2
E-mail : Homepage Link

The Department of Horticulture offers not only comprehensive education on the cultivation and production of vegetables, fruits, flowers, and garden plants but also includes postharvest handling and processing technology, breeding techniques using biotechnology, and environmental control methods and engineering to ensure the production of high-quality horticultural crops. We are committed to academic research and education focused on the development and management of horticultural cultivation facilities, such as greenhouse structures, environmental management systems, and automation devices essential for practical applications. Through these efforts, we aim to effectively address the rapidly changing conditions in the horticultural industry effectively and train professional horticulturists. These experts will contribute to local and national development through specialized technology, scientific management, and the production of various horticultural plants, as well as through the aesthetic and strategic planning and management of living spaces. Additionally, horticulture has recently gained recognition as a key discipline for introducing nature into urban life. We provide education on theories and techniques related to living horticulture, ornamental horticulture, landscape horticulture, and indoor horticulture.

Scholarship & Program
1. Departmental extracurricular program
  • Conduct extra-curricular activities such as cultivation club, flower decoration club, and Entrepreneurship (business start-up) club.
  • Promote friendship and provide education by conducting practical training in addition to theory classes.
2. Self-specialized program
  • Training top-class smart agricultural experts by establishing an agricultural and life industry platform
  • Securing human resources in the smart agriculture sector, raising the graduate school enrollment rate, and improving the employment rate
3. BK21+ Graduate School Scholarship Support Program
  • Graduate school scholarship support by selection of BK21+ project group
  • Training smart farm experts and establishing research infrastructure
4. Operation of specialized project group for agricultural startups
  • Leading the smart agriculture sector and the 6th industrial-based agricultural and life industry, nurturing prospective agricultural entrepreneurs with an entrepreneurial spirit
  • Operate specialized courses with enhanced practical training and various extracurricular programs at existing agricultural colleges


 Facultytable for Faculty
Name / position Major Research Field Tel E-mail
Kang, Won Hee / Prof. Molecular Physiology Plant molecular physiology/ Coffee genetics, breeding, production, and processing 6423
Jung, Chun Soon / Prof. Postharvest management Postharvest management of horticultural crops/ Storage/ Commercial products development 6409
Park, Sung Min / Prof. Pomology Fruits genetics and breeding/Temperate fruits 6424
Kang, Ho Min / Prof. Facility Horticulture Environmental control engineering/Facility horticulture 6425
Rhie, Yong Ha / Assoc. Prof. Floriculture Flower science/Seed science/Ornamental plants 6427
Jang, Dong Cheol / Assist. Prof. Olericulture Vegetable science/ Smart farm/ Plant factory 6426


Subjecttable for Subject
Category Year/Semester Code Title Credits
Elective course 1/1 4183991 Career Planning 1-1-0-0
Elective course 2/2 4183002 Propagation of Horticultural Crops 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/2 4183008 Principles of Crop Production 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4183009 Career Choice and Startup 1-1-0-0
Elective course 2/1 4176006 Horticultural Therapy 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/1 4176043 Understanding Life Science 3-3-0-0
Required course 2/1 4176072 Introductory Horticulture Science 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/1 4176075 Crop Genetics 3-3-0-0
Required course 2/1 4176076 Principles of Vegetable Crops 3-3-0-0
Required course 2/2 4176010 Principles of Pomology 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/2 4176050 Vegetable Crops 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/2 4176052 Soil and Plant Nutrients 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/2 4176077 Protected Horticulture and Practices 3-2-2-0
Required course 3/1 4176001 Principles of Floriculture 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/1 4176022 Seed and Seedling Production 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/1 4176041 Pomology Crops 3-1-4-0
Required course 3/1 4176079 Physiology of Horticultural Crops 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/1 4176080 Post Havest Storage of Horticultural Crops 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/1 4176096 Job and Capstone Design for Horticulture Sciences 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4176078 Herb Plants 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4176081 Sustainable Agriculture 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4176082 Breeding of Horticultural Crops 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4176083 Horticultural Crops Cell Biology 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4176084 Horticultural Field Practices 3-0-40-0
Elective course 3/2 4176085 Floriculture Crops and Practices 3-2-2-0
Elective course 4/1 4176044 Hydroponics 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/1 4176074 Sociohorticulture 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/1 4176097 Horticultural Crops Morphology 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/1 4176098 Introduction of Complex Environmental Control of Smart Farm 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/2 4176088 Horticultural Arrangement and Practices 3-2-2-0
Elective course 4/2 4176089 Biotechnology of Horticultural Crops 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/2 4176092 Horticultural Crops Management and Uses 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/2 4176094 Principles of Plant Factory 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/2 4176095 Plant Nurtrition of Horticultural Crops 3-3-0-0