The Department of Horticulture offers not only comprehensive education on the cultivation and production of vegetables, fruits, flowers, and garden plants but also includes postharvest handling and processing technology, breeding techniques using biotechnology, and environmental control methods and engineering to ensure the production of high-quality horticultural crops. We are committed to academic research and education focused on the development and management of horticultural cultivation facilities, such as greenhouse structures, environmental management systems, and automation devices essential for practical applications. Through these efforts, we aim to effectively address the rapidly changing conditions in the horticultural industry effectively and train professional horticulturists. These experts will contribute to local and national development through specialized technology, scientific management, and the production of various horticultural plants, as well as through the aesthetic and strategic planning and management of living spaces. Additionally, horticulture has recently gained recognition as a key discipline for introducing nature into urban life. We provide education on theories and techniques related to living horticulture, ornamental horticulture, landscape horticulture, and indoor horticulture.
Scholarship & Program
1. Departmental extracurricular program
Conduct extra-curricular activities such as cultivation club, flower decoration club, and Entrepreneurship (business start-up) club.
Promote friendship and provide education by conducting practical training in addition to theory classes.
2. Self-specialized program
Training top-class smart agricultural experts by establishing an agricultural and life industry platform
Securing human resources in the smart agriculture sector, raising the graduate school enrollment rate, and improving the employment rate
3. BK21+ Graduate School Scholarship Support Program
Graduate school scholarship support by selection of BK21+ project group
Training smart farm experts and establishing research infrastructure
4. Operation of specialized project group for agricultural startups
Leading the smart agriculture sector and the 6th industrial-based agricultural and life industry, nurturing prospective agricultural entrepreneurs with an entrepreneurial spirit
Operate specialized courses with enhanced practical training and various extracurricular programs at existing agricultural colleges
Facultytable for Faculty
Name / position
Research Field
Kang, Won Hee / Prof.
Molecular Physiology
Plant molecular physiology/ Coffee genetics, breeding, production, and processing