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Undergraduate program

Undergraduate programtable for Undergraduate program
Division of Food Bidtechnology and Biosystems Engineering
  • Department of Biosystems Engineering
Tel : +82 33-250-6450 Office : Room 412, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Bd. 3
E-mail : Homepage Link

The Department of Food Science and Biotechnology offers a program that prepares students for leadership positions in the food industry, academia and government. The educational programs are designed to enhance the understanding of the nutritional, biological, microbiological, physical, process engineering, chemical and sensory properties of foods and food materials. Our education and research programs help develop the food industry with consumers, food businesses and governments to improve food availability, quality and safety.

Scholarship & Program
  1. Merit-based Scholarships: Awarded to students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement. These scholarships are usually based on GPA and other academic achievements.
  2. Research Scholarships: Awarded to students who are involved in significant research projects within the department. These scholarships are designed to encourage and support innovative research in food science and biotechnology.
  3. Industry Sponsored Scholarships: Sponsored by Ottogi and various companies in the food and biotechnology industries.
Extracurricular Programs
  1. Research Labs and Projects: Opportunities to participate in cutting-edge research in various fields of food science and biotechnology.
  2. Internships: Partnerships with companies offering internships for valuable industry experience and networking opportunities, bridging the gap between academic learning and practical application.
  3. Special lecture: Organized on various topics, featuring guest speakers from academia and industry, offering insights into the latest trends and research.
  4. Study Abroad Programs: Opportunities to study abroad, gaining international experience and understanding global perspectives and practices in the field.
  5. Career Development Services: Offering career counseling, resume-building workshops, and job placement services to help students transition to professional careers in food science and biotechnology.


 Facultytable for Faculty
Name / position Major Research Field Tel E-mail
Oh, Deog Hwan / Prof. Food Microbiology and safety
  • Characterization and Efficacy of Pro/Pre/Postbiotics
  • Development of Fermented Funtional Materials
  • Intervention Technology against Foodborne Pathogens
Kim, Myoung Dong / Prof. Biomolecular engineering
  • Isolation of Yeast for Ethanol Production
  • Development of Mcirobial Factory
  • Analysis of Aroma Profile by E-Nose
Yoon, Won Byong / Prof. Food & Bio Process Engineering
  • Food process engineering
  • Food and Biorheology
  • Computer simulation and AI application for food processing
Lee, Ok Hwan / Prof. Food Chemistry
  • Quality Characterization of Food Ingredients
  • Development of Functional Foods
Kim, Jong Yea /  Prof. Food Processing
  • Characterization of Food Carbohydrate
  • Modification of Food Carbohydrate
  • Encapsulation of active compounds using carbohydrate
Cho, Seong Jun / Assoc. Prof. Food Industry trends and Applications
  • Development of Plant-based Alternative protein
  • Upcycling of Food by-product
  • Analysis of Trends and Products in the Food Industry
Choi, Sun Il / Assist. Prof. Food Analysis
  • Investigation of the chemical composition and active ingredients in food
  • Profiling research to detect metabolites including functional ingredients in food
  • Development of analytical methods for hazardous chemicals in food


Subjecttable for Subject
Category Year/Semester Code Title Credits
Elective course 1 / 1 4182001 Introduction to Biotechnology Engineering 1 3-3-0-0
Elective course 1 / 1 4182991 Career Planning 1-1-0-0
Elective course 1 / 2 4182002 Introduction to Biotechnology Engineering 2 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2 / 1 4182003 Engineering Mathematics 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3 / 2 t004024 Career Choice and Startup 1-1-0-0
Elective course 2 / 1 4178087 Food Materials 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2 / 1 4178089 Food Physical Chemistry 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2 / 1 4178103 Food Organic Chemistry 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2 / 1 4178104 Introduction to Food Machinery and Packaging 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2 / 1 t004045 Food Business management 3-3-0-0
Required course 2 / 2 4178001 Food Chemistry 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2 / 2 4178032 Fundamental Microbiology 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2 / 2 4178076 Food Process Design 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2 / 2 4178082 Fermentation Chemistry 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2 / 2 4178105 Food Industry Information 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2 / 2 t003873 Food Biochemistry 3-3-0-0
Required course 3 / 1 4178002 Food Microbiology 3-3-0-0
Required course 3 / 1 4178003 Food Engineering 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3 / 1 4178009 Food Biotechnology 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3 / 1 4178024 Food Analysis 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3 / 1 4178091 Capstone Design for Food Microbiology and Frementation 3-2-2-0
Elective course 3 / 1 4178097 Food Science and Biotechnology Internship Program 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3 / 1 4178108 Capstone Design for Job and Startup1 2-2-0-0
Elective course 3 / 2 4178008 Nutrition Chemistry 3-3-0-0
Required course 3 / 2 4178058 Food Processing 1 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3 / 2 4178085 Food Process Engineering and Capstone Design 3-3-0-0
Required course 3 / 2 4178092 Fermentation Engineering and Capstone Design 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3 / 2 4178093 Capstone Design for Food Chemistry and Nutrition Experiment 3-2-2-0
Elective course 3 / 2 4178102 Food Hygiene and Safety 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4 / 1 4178011 Food Preservation 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4 / 1 4178013 Food Processing 2 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4 / 1 4178031 Functional Food 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4 / 1 4178043 Food Enzyme Engineering 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4 / 1 4178100 Capstone Design for Food Processing and Engineering Experiment 3-2-2-0
Elective course 4 / 1 4178101 New Food Development and Capstone Design 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4 / 2 4178107 Statistical Food Quality Management 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4 / 2 4178109 Capstone Design for Job and Startup2 1-1-0-0
Elective course 4 / 2 4178110 Capstone Design for Natural Chemistry 3-3-0-0