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Undergraduate program

Undergraduate programtable for Undergraduate program
Division of Bioresource Sciences
  • Department of Applied Plant Sciences
Tel : +82 33-250-6410 Office : Room 314, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Bd. 2
E-mail : Homepage Link

As the first major that started with the establishment of Kangwon National University, Plant Resource Applied Sciences Major with the basis on infinite life resources of plants and crops, carries out research on various fields regarding the production and utilization of plant resource for well-being and development of functional materials and crops, combining crop production technology with the newest biotechnology to be a front-runner in agricultural industry.
In addition, cultivating future-oriented talented individuals in agricultural industry is the objective of education by teaching traditional studies for food crops and functional crops research, such as pomology, crop science, genetics, thremmatology, physiology, weed science, morphology etc., and latest studies, such as biotechnology, genomics, bioengineering, environment-friendly microbiology, natural substance chemistry, etc.
Specialization in plant biological engineering, active natural substance chemistry, plant forms and categorization, plant genetics·breeding, plant molecular breeding science and plant genomics, plant microbe, etc. has been established to develop various executive ability and competitiveness.

Scholarship & Program

We provide various academic and job opportunities to students continuously with internal and external scholarship reception rate of over 60%, management of mentor·mentee groups among enrolled students.


 Facultytable for Faculty
Name / position Major Research Field Tel E-mail
Lee, Younsu / Prof. Plant pathology
  • Development of Microbial Pesticides & Fertilizer, Phyto Microbiomes
  • Nanomaterial Applications, Microbial Genetic Analysis.
Heo, Kweon / Prof. Botany
  • Chromosome & Anatomy
Kim, Myongjo / Prof. Natural product chemistry
  • Isolation and structural analysis of natural bioactive substances
Lee, Jukyong / Prof. Plant Genetics & Breeding
  • Crop science, Crop genetics and breeding
  • Genetic and QTL mapping using DNA molecular markers
  • Crop evolution and differentiation using genomic DNA
Jang, Cheolseong / Prof. Crop Science
  • Plant Genomics
Seong, Eun Soo / Assist. Prof. Plant tissue culture
  • Discovery of new functional materials
  • Development of genetically modified plants
  • Smart plant cell culture


Subjecttable for Subject
Category Year/Semester Code Title Credits
Elective course 1/1 4171991 Career Planning 1-1-0-0
Elective course 2/1 4171001 Plant Pathology 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/1 4171002 General Entomology 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/1 4171004 Principle of Crop Production 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/1 4171012 Agricultural Organic Chemistry 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/2 4171005 Cell Biology 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/2 4171007 Plant Protection 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/2 4171009 Molecualr Biology 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/2 4171013 Crop Physiology 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/1 4171010 Plant Taxonomy 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4171015 Career Choice and Startup 1-1-0-0
Elective course 4/1 4171014 Weed Science 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/1 4172001 Plant Genetics 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/1 4172047 Plant Tissue Culture and Laboratory 3-2-2-0
Elective course 2/1 4172072 Agricultural Microbiology and Laboratory 3-2-2-0
Elective course 2/2 4172004 Medicinal Plants 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/2 4172009 Plant Morphology and Laboratory 3-2-2-0
Elective course 2/2 4172059 Introduction to Microbial Materials 3-3-0-0
Required course 3/1 4172008 Crop Science 1 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/1 4172045 Plant Chemical Analysis and Laboratory 3-2-2-0
Elective course 3/1 4172053 Educational Theories in Teaching Agriculrure 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/1 4172061 Rural Leadership 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/1 4172064 Seed Production 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/1 4172067 Introduction to Nano Biotechnology 3-3-0-0
Required course 3/2 4172020 Crop Science 2 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4172007 Plant Propagation 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4172011 Environmental Agriculture 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4172012 Natural Product Chemistry 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4172016 Plant Breeding 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4172052 Survey and Guidance of Textbooks in Agriculture 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4172073 Molecualr Genetics and Laboratory 3-2-2-0
Elective course 4/1 4172026 Plant Genetics Resources 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/1 4172070 Applied Plant Sciences Internship Program 3-0-40-0
Elective course 4/1 4172074 Mushroom Resources Application 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/1 4172075 Basic Plant Genomics 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/2 4172019 Plant Embryology 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/2 4172054 Logic and Writing in Agriculture 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/2 4172063 Utilization of Plant Resources 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/2 417207 Job and Capstone Designs for Applied Plant Sciences 3-0-6-0