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Undergraduate program

Undergraduate programtable for Undergraduate program
Division of Horiculture, Agricultural and Resource Economics
  • Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Tel : +82 33-250-8660 Office : Room 412, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Bd. 2
E-mail : Homepage Link

Welcome to the homepage of the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

The department of Agricultural and Resource Economics focuses on research and teaching in the areas of agriculture, rural communities, natural resources, environment, and regional development,

The department is structured with an educational system that combines theory and practical experience. Through this educational program, it aims to cultivate talented individuals capable of advancing the agricultural and food industry, addressing rural and regional issues and environmental challenges.

The department encompasses academic fields related to agricultural economics, agricultural management, agricultural product distribution, agricultural policy, regional agriculture, rural tourism, agricultural trade, the agricultural and food industry, environmental and resource economics, and agricultural information.

As the only department in the College of Agriculture that awards a Bachelor of Economics degree, graduates can pursue careers in various fields ranging from agricultural cooperatives, public agencies related to food, distribution, consumption, resources, tourism, and the environment, to positions in economic, managerial, financial, and service sectors.

Scholarship & Program
Overview of the Ubo Man Project

Our department, which covers the fields of agriculture and rural areas, emphasizes an educational curriculum aimed at cultivating the ability to recognize and address domestic and international agricultural and rural issues through exchanges with foreign countries. This curriculum is fundamental and essential, not only focusing on domestic agricultural and rural situations but also fostering the capability to solve these issues together.
To realize these goals, it is crucial to systematically and institutionally introduce and operate programs that involve practical engagement in domestic and international fields for a certain period.
In line with these efforts, our department is actively promoting the <Ubo Man Project>, which consists of the following three programs. This initiative aims not only to achieve our educational objectives but also to enhance employment rates:
Operation of an exchange student program with overseas sister universities (linked with Japanese and Chinese language clubs).
Operation of intern programs with public enterprises such as the Korea Rural Community Corporation and local agricultural cooperatives.
Operation of field trips and knowledge-sharing programs centered around the academic club "Nongeodam (農漁談)".
These initiatives are designed to enhance the operation of our department while achieving our educational goals.


 Facultytable for Faculty
Name / position Major Research Field Tel E-mail
Lee, Jong-In / Prof. Agricultural Industrial Structure
  • Agricultural Marketing
  • Livestock Management & Economics
  • Agricultural Industrial Structure
Lee, Byoung-Hoon / Assoc. Prof. Agricultural Economics
  • Agricultural Trade
  • Agricultural Structure
  • Spatial Econometrics
Lee, Yoon-Suk / Assoc. Prof. Agricultural Price Analysis and Modeling, & Big Data Analysis
  • Agricultural & Fisheries Price Analysis
  • Time Series Analysis and modeling
  • International Cooperation
Lee, Ji-Yong / Assoc. Prof. Agricultural Policy, Consumer Behaviors Food consumption
  • Consumer Economics
  • Food Marketing
  • Experimental Agricultural Policy Econometrics
Kim, Jong-Hwa / Assist. Prof. Agro-food Marketing, Agricultural Management Regional Agricultural Policy
  • Food Marketing & Distribution
  • Farm Management & Accounting
Kim, Youngjune / Assist. Prof. Agricultural Economics
  • Agricultural Policy
  • Food Industry
  • Applied Econometrics


Subjecttable for Subject
Category Year/Semester Code Title Credits
Elective course 1/1 4183991 Career Planning 1-1-0-0
Elective course 2/1 4183004 Mathematical Economics 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/1 4183005 Mathematical Economics 3-3-0-0
Required course 2/1 4179005 Microeconomics 3-3-0-0
Required course 2/1 4179069 Statistics for Economics 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/1 4179004 Farm Management 3-3-0-0
Required course 2/2 4179003 Agricultural Economics 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/2 4179011 Macroeconomics 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/2 4179055 Economics of Rural Tourism and Recreation 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/2 4179073 Agro-food Marketing and distribution 3-3-0-0
Elective course 2/2 4179078 Agricultural and Food Market Analysis 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/1 4179018 Agricultural Policy 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/1 4179059 Natural Resource Economics and Policy 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/1 4179063 Agri-food Trade Theory 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/1 4179072 Understanding International Agriculture Development and Cooperation 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/1 4179074 Experimental economics 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4183009 Career Choice and Startup 1-1-0-0
Required course 3/2 4179042 Econometrics 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4179043 Theory of Cooperative 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4179056 Industrial Organization 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4179061 Environmental Economics and Policy 3-3-0-0
Elective course 3/2 4179071 Agricultural accounting and finance 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/1 4179065 Price Analysis 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/1 4179067 Rural Development 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/1 4179075 Rural planning 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/1 4179076 Agro-food startup business 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/1 4179077 Agricultural Risk Management 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/2 4179051 Agricultural Risk Management 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/2 4179058 Introduction to Food Service Industry 3-3-0-0
Elective course 4/2 4179070 Economics of Technology and Practices 3-2-2-0